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Hey everyone!  Glad you have found the Good News Corner for Kids!  This blog is full of fun stuff to help you learn more about walking day by day with Jesus!

And In Jesus Christ...

Writer: Mrs. BessMrs. Bess

The Apostles Creed is recited at thousands of churches. It has actually been used in worship services for close to 2000 years! It's very old, but in only a few lines it summarizes what Christians believe.

This week our lesson focuses on Jesus, God's Son, who came to save us from our sin. Millions of people know the name of Jesus. But even though they know his name, they may not believe the same things Christians believe about Jesus. As Christians we attest that Jesus is the one and only Son of God and Jesus alone is Savior.

I would encourage you to pray this week for people in your life and others in this world who don't know Jesus and who have never even heard his name mentioned! Pray that God would make a way for these people to hear and that by hearing, they might also come to believe!

I'll be praying with you!

Mrs. Bess

PS- Here's a quiz for kids I found about the life of Jesus. See if you know the correct answers! Maybe you could talk about these with your mom and dad!




My name is Mrs. Bess!

I'm a follower of Jesus and love to teach kids (and sometimes the big people in their lives) what it means to love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.  I do that through telling the stories of the wondrous things God has done. 

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