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Hey everyone!  Glad you have found the Good News Corner for Kids!  This blog is full of fun stuff to help you learn more about walking day by day with Jesus!

Do you really trust God?

Writer: Mrs. BessMrs. Bess

We've talked about how the 10 Commandments have taught us about loving God and loving our neighbor. If we say we love God that means we also trust God.

But we don't always act like we trust God. We might SAY we trust God, but our actions don't show it. We might say that we believe God takes care of us and provides for all our needs, but then we might take something that doesn't belong to us. That's called stealing. Or maybe we complain about not having something we think we should have (that maybe your friend has). That's called coveting.

God wants us to trust Him in everything we do and say-- that our words don't say one thing and then we do something else. That's what Commandments #9 and #10 teach us. Trusting God means that we accept what He has given us and that our thoughts and words and attitudes show we are grateful to Him for everything!

So when you feel unhappy or upset about a situation, I have something that will help you. Play the "I'm Thankful! Game" And just start telling God how thankful you are for the things He has given you and done for you. You can't be un-thankful and thankful at the same time! And being thankful is the Good News for you to remember today!

"Everything you say and everything you do should be done for Jesus your Lord. And in all you do, give thanks to God the Father through Jesus." Colossians 3:17 (ERV)

I'm thankful for YOU because you took time to read this today! I'd love to hear about something you are thankful for!

:) Mrs. Bess




My name is Mrs. Bess!

I'm a follower of Jesus and love to teach kids (and sometimes the big people in their lives) what it means to love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.  I do that through telling the stories of the wondrous things God has done. 

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