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Hey everyone!  Glad you have found the Good News Corner for Kids!  This blog is full of fun stuff to help you learn more about walking day by day with Jesus!

Hold Steady to Jesus

Writer: Mrs. BessMrs. Bess

Harriet Tubman, painted by Aaron Douglas (1931) found at
Harriet Tubman, painted by Aaron Douglas (1931) found at

What do you see in the picture?  People and plants are the first images I can identify.  Then I notice the person in the middle of the picture is holding up something that looks like a broken chain.  He or she is standing on a hill but there is a wheel or something there as well.  Off to the far right it looks like tall towers. Some of the people look like towers as well!

This painting was commissioned for Bennett College for Women in Greensboro, NC. The painting is called “Harriet Tubman” and was painted by Aaron Douglas nearly 95 years ago! He painted it to honor the woman named Harriet Tubman who was a former slave.  Harriet Tubman escaped slavery and helped others find freedom through the Underground Railroad. That is who is pictured holding up the broken chain!

This painting brings the John 8:36 to mind “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” Jesus spoke these words to His disciples. They were trying to understand what Jesus was teaching them about being slaves to sin.  He wanted them (and us) to know that in Jesus alone we find freedom—freedom from sin and new life!

Harriet Tubman found freedom from her slavery by relying on the Lord to help her through many troubles and struggles. She told her friend who wrote about book about her life, “I said to the Lord, I’m going to hold steady on to you, and I know you will see me through.”  And He did!



My name is Mrs. Bess!

I'm a follower of Jesus and love to teach kids (and sometimes the big people in their lives) what it means to love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.  I do that through telling the stories of the wondrous things God has done. 

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