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Hey everyone!  Glad you have found the Good News Corner for Kids!  This blog is full of fun stuff to help you learn more about walking day by day with Jesus!

Honoring our Parents

Writer: Mrs. BessMrs. Bess

Something that every single person on earth has in common is that they have a mom and dad! A person couldn't even exist without a mom and dad. Some people have "extra" moms and/or dads in the life. Maybe they were adopted, or maybe they ended up having a step parent. I know some kids who grew up so close with their grandparents that they even called them Mom and Dad instead of Grandma and Grandpa!

Many people will say that children are a blessing given to parents. Psalm 127:3 says, "Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a real blessing." And so they are! I have four children and they have truly been a blessing to me! I love them soooo much!

But I would also say that parents are a blessing to their children-- especially parents who know and love the Lord. Parents start out by doing pretty much everything for their baby when that child comes into the world. As time goes on they do less and less, but even when those babies become adults, parents still do plenty to help their kids.

So take time this week to honor your parents. Tell them how much you love them! Give them hugs! Do something special for them. And when you do those things you will be honoring God and His command to "Honor your mother and father." (Commandment #5)

Something special you could do is write them a little "love note" to let them know how much they mean to you. Here's an idea...

Take the first letter of their name or maybe the name Mother or Daddy and use the letters to say something amazing about them. Here's one I did with the word "PARENTS"

P- Papa and Mamma

A- Are amazing people!

R- Really fun to be with!

E- Entertained many people in their home,

N- Never impatient, always had time for me,

T- Taught me to do many things!

S- So much love for our family!

When you're finished, give God thanks for the parents that He gave you! And then come join me on Sunday and we'll learn more about what God's Word has to say about honoring our parents!

With love-

Mrs. Bess




My name is Mrs. Bess!

I'm a follower of Jesus and love to teach kids (and sometimes the big people in their lives) what it means to love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.  I do that through telling the stories of the wondrous things God has done. 

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