The Ten Commandments taught us two important aspects to living as a believer. Our love for God helps us love others. I think of it like a cross- the part going up and down is like our relationship with God and the part that goes across represents how we related to each other! We only love others if we truly love God! And Jesus showed us the way to do both!
So what does it mean to love God? It means that you know Him and believe in the truths that are taught in the Bible. Since believing is so important to loving God we want to spend some weeks thinking about what we believe. That brought to mind a song that you might know called "This I Believe (The Creed)" by Hillsong Worship.
The words say a lot about what we believe about God the Father, His Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. This particular video shows a group of older kids dancing to the song. I love to see the different motions that they used for different words in the song. For those of you who like to dance, feel free to dance along with them!
Then I hope you'll be excited to see what our lesson is about on Sunday!
Believing! Mrs. Bess