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Hey everyone!  Glad you have found the Good News Corner for Kids!  This blog is full of fun stuff to help you learn more about walking day by day with Jesus!

Mountains and Sermons

Writer: Mrs. BessMrs. Bess

We're working our way through the 10 Commandments. Do you remember when the 10 Commandments were made? (THOUSANDS of years ago!) And do you remember who they were given to? (Moses and the people of Israel) And do you remember where Moses and the people of Israel were when they got them? (At Mt. Sinai) They were camped at the base of the mountain waiting to hear from God. It was on their journey from ________ to _________? (that's right- from Egypt to Canaan, also known as the Promised Land)

Moses receives these "laws" from God while he's up on the mountain. He comes down and tells the people about these laws- sort of like a pastor who gives a sermon to his church people. God wanted to make sure His people knew what was most important about loving Him and loving each other-- that is what the 10 Commandments are all about!

Well, there's actually another sermon that Jesus preached another 1400 years later that is very much connected to that sermon that Moses gave when he came down from Mt. Sinai. It's called the Sermon on the Mount and it was preached by Jesus to a congregation of people who gathered to hear him at a place people call the Mount of Beatitudes.

Matthew 5-7 tells what Jesus preached at that place a couple thousand years ago. He wanted the people to know what it meant to love God and love others. Sound like a familiar sermon? Check out a kids' version of Jesus's sermon, "God's Story- Sermon on the Mount" here.

Most of us think we do a pretty good job obeying the 10 Commandments, but the truth is none of us obey them perfectly. But Jesus taught us and showed us that HE is the one who obeyed perfectly. And when we put our trust in HIM then HE helps us to obey! And that is really GOOD NEWS! I hope you will come and learn more about it on Sunday,

With love-

Mrs. Bess




My name is Mrs. Bess!

I'm a follower of Jesus and love to teach kids (and sometimes the big people in their lives) what it means to love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.  I do that through telling the stories of the wondrous things God has done. 

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