We've spent several weeks talking about "God's Rules" which most people know as the 10 Commandments. How well to you remember what we've learned? Do you remember when the 10 Commandments were written down? Who were the first ones to get them? What does each rule say? Give this a try to find out...
How well did you do? Did you make an A? If not, you can try again and maybe do better the next time!
The most important thing you should remember about these "rules" God gave us is that they teach us two things. They teach us that loving God is the #1 thing! And then after that is loving our neighbors. Do you do that? Do you tell God how much you love Him? Maybe you sing it or you say it in your prayers. You could even write it down on a piece of paper!
Then what about the loving your neighbor part? Do you do that? Do you even know your neighbor? Do you say "Hi" when you see them? Do you act in kind ways to them? Maybe you can pick-up sticks in their yard, or take them some homemade cookies just to be nice.
I'd love to hear more about how you tell God how much you love Him and how you might have shown love to your neighbor this week! Let me know!
Loving God and loving you! Mrs. Bess