21 Days of Prayer & Fasting
The leadership of CCG will be embarking on 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting from this Sunday, November 3rd through Sunday, November 24th. We invite you to join us!
Debbie & Mark Childers have put together a Weekly Prayer Guide which provides focus to our personal prayer times (see link below).
Group prayer opportunities:
6:00-6:30AM on Tuesdays (virtual)
Noon-1:00PM on Fridays (virtual)
7:00-7:30PM on Thursday, Nov. 7th and/or Thursday, Nov. 21st. (pray in person at CCG with the elders)
If you are considering fasting during this time we have provided a few options for your consideration in the introduction document below.
This is a significant season in the life of our church and in our world. Please join us as we seek the Lord together as a church family.